On leaving college in 1981, Alan Lee was employed in the Petro/Chemical industry as a qualified chemist. Later, within the same company, he helped pioneer oil and solvent reclamation processes.
After 36 years in the toxic and hazardous materials industry, he decided to go out on his own and help bring his experience and knowledge to people, personally, and so, on April 1997, Leesafe Ltd was created, on Canvey Island, Essex.
Since then, Leesafe has established itself as a professionally ran, multi-specialist, family owned, successful business. We would not be where we are today if it wasn’t for hard work and fantastic customers, like yourself.
We know that to stay competitive, we must not rest on our laurels, and continue to adjust and evolve to the needs of an everchanging landscape.
But one thing that will never change is our priority to ensure your safety